Here's How Your Zodiac Sign Can Stay On Track For A Poppin' 2018!

Here’s How Your Zodiac Sign Can Stay On Track For A Poppin’ 2018!


Hey, Roommates! I’m so excited for 2018, because there is a lot to look forward to! It will be the year of personal success and living in your truth, so here’s a guide to help you stay focused!



Capricorn: Caps are known for being so wrapped up in their careers, but this year they will learn to stop and smell the roses. Their drive is crazy, so they shouldn’t worry about getting off track!


Aquarius: Big things will becoming to Aquarius this year! Love has always been a driving force in everything that they do and will enhance many experiences for them this year.


Pisces: 2017 was a rough year for Pisces, but a bunch of adventures await you for 2018! Get ready to really make your mark on the world and be ready to travel too!


Aries: Nothing is stopping Aries this year, ocurrrr?! They are going to accomplish everything they want to this year, however, those in their inner circle will determine how quickly they can! It would be wise for them to do compartmentalize who can help them achieve their goals and who just wants to say, “I was here!” once you do!


Taurus: Taurus is a go-getter and 2018 will bring many new opportunities for them to elevate as long as they can discern what is and isn’t for them to go get!


Gemini: Being the creative genius they are, Gemini will continue to act on new ideas that will not only help themselves, but help those around them! Maybe all the good that will come from this is payback from all the broken hearts they’ve claimed!


Cancer: 2018 began with a full new moon in Cancer, so it’s definitely your year! Everyone will see a different side of you and it will benefit any career and social endeavors that come your way.


Leo: Leo will have a lot to celebrate this year so be prepared to see them everywhere (and talking about being everywhere)!


Virgo: Fortunately for Virgo, not much will change—they’ll still be getting hella money in 2018. Just be smart about your investments and monitor your spending!


Libra: Instead of thinking about it, just do it, Libra! Whatever your “it” is, just keep at it. However, you must take advantage of the magical year at hand or else you could miss out on big opportunities!


Scorpio: Scorpio takes charge and will certainly make 2018 their b****! (Just don’t get in their way or else there will be hell to pay).


Sagittarius: Sagittarius will be a breakout star of 2018! This sign will make some big money moves this year, so shoot your shot now so they know it’s real ?

TSR STAFF: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on IG, @tallyohhh on Twitter


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