Categories: Celebs

11 Year Old Asks Step Dad To Adopt Him In The Most Touching Letter (You WILL Cry!)

Most kids ask their parents for toys, money, and in this day and age, new phones or other gadgets. However, 11-year-old Tyler asked for his stepdad Don Gause to officially become his dad in a heartfelt letter this past Father’s Day.

“I asked Tyler about a year ago if he wanted to be adopted by Don and he was so excited he said yes with the biggest smile ever,” Tyler’s mom Marcia Gause said. “He is very wise for such a young person and has said before that God sent him the Daddy that was really meant for him.”

Tyler and his mother decided to surprise Don with a fake baby shower, but all along he thought that the surprise was for someone else! Once Tyler grabbed his letter from the gift bag which read “It’s a boy!” he read off all of the reasons why Don makes the perfect dad. “You taught me how to ride a bike,” Tyler says, tearfully. “You corrected me when I was wrong and you picked me up when I was down.”

Finally, he popped the question. “Dad, I have been your child in love since I can remember, but I want to be your son legally. Will you please adopt me?” There was not one dry eye in the house! Check out the video in its entirety below and make sure you have tissues, because you WILL cry!



TSR STAFF: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on IG, @tallyohhh on Twitter!