Blackish Sparks Dialogue About Educating Our Children On Police Brutality

Blackish Sparks Dialogue About Educating Our Children On Police Brutality

Acts of violence, police brutality in particular,  have been plaguing our communities as well as the media and it seems as though there will be no end in sight anytime soon. The question now becomes, how do we explain to our young black children what’s going on? Is there an appropriate age to discuss such calamity with them?

Last night’s episode of Blackish explored the theme of police brutality in such a way to include very valid sentiments on the subject. The scene above captures the Johnson family viewing a news clip about a teenager who was gunned down by police. Next, Rainbow and Andre go on to discuss similar acts like Sandra Bland and Freddy Gray followed by the two engaging in a heated debate on whether or not presenting this kind of information to their kids is appropriate.

Rainbow says, “I don’t want to feel like my kids are living in a world that is so flawed that they can’t have any hope.” Then her husband, Andre replied,

“Remember that amazing feeling we had during the inauguration? We were so proud. Then we saw him get out of that limo, and walk alongside of it, and wave to that crowd. Tell me you weren’t terrified when you saw that. Tell me you weren’t worried that someone was going to snatch that hope away from us like they always do.”

The episode has touched many viewers, because, to be real, we’ve all thought this. What did you think about it, Roommates?


TSR STAFF: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on Instagram & @tallyohhh on Twitter!


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