Categories: Celebs

RuPaul On This Year’s Election: “If you don’t vote, you lose the right to complain.”

The presidential election is quickly approaching (November 8th) and for many, it’s been a roller coaster ride from hell and unfortunately it’s one we can’t wait to get off of! Between Donald Trump not knowing when to shut up and this email situation with Hillary Clinton, who are we all gonna vote for? Clearly one of the candidates is exceedingly more qualified than the other and that is why we all must vote despite your misguided feeling that your voice doesn’t matter!

The legendary #RuPaul visited Entertainment Tonight where he discussed the importance of exercising your right to vote as well as the “dirty” game of politics. “In this election, the most important thing you need to remember is you have got to vote,” RuPaul tells ET. “The most important thing for kids to remember is that you must register and vote. If you don’t vote, you lose the right to complain.”

As for how he feels about both candidates and their roles in the politic game, RuPaul recalled a lesson he learned from his 10th grade political science teacher. Basically, she would explain to him that politicians refrain from telling people the truth, because many of them just can’t handle it. That’s why politicians try to speak in a certain way that doesn’t frighten the masses.

“Having said that,” he continues, “all politicians are pretty…dirty. If you’re in politics you’re dirty. It’s not a bad thing, it’s just the way it is, the way the game is played. So if you think that somebody is gonna go to Washington and be you know Mary Poppins with butterflies and rainbows and unicorns and everyone’s gonna be like ‘one for you and one for you’– that’s not how this is played.”

I don’t know that RuPaul was looking for an ‘amen’ but he’s getting one! Roommates, you must vote. Your votes do matter. Could you imagine how many millions of other people feel that their votes don’t count either and probably won’t vote? If all of you put your energy together then it will make a huge difference, so educate yourself and vote this November!

TSR STAFF: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on Instagram & @tallyohhh on Twitter!