Categories: Celebs

Black Ink Crew: Dutchess Spills Major Tea On Her Relationship With Ceaser After Break Up

Black Ink’s royal couple Dutchess and Ceaser have broken up and boy is it getting ugly!

Skyy officially broke the news on her Snapchat the other day while she was out for dinner with Cease, Teddy and another woman.Word is the couple may have broken up over an alleged secret love child in Philly, a rumor Ceaser later dismissed.

Things got especially heated when a Roomie sent in a video of Dutchess shopping with a mystery man on top of throwing shade at her now ex:


Well, the shade was enough to have Cease step into The Shade Room to throw some shade of his own


Fast forward to today, Dutchess decided to clap back on during a radio interview where she alleged that Mr. Ceaser didn’t even own the engagement ring he gave her… apparently it’s property of VH1… oop!


And we checked the receipts, Ceaser definitely took his ring back and is currently wearing it as a nice center piece for his chain



Looks like we’re in for a spicy season! Lets chat below!

TSR STAFF: Debra Oh! @The_Ebony_Issue