Categories: Beauty & Style

White Sephora Worker Accused Of Alleged Racial Profiling Says: “I’m From The Hood”

Some of us may have experienced the “shopping while black” syndrome, and some of us may have not. In some cases, those situations are extremely evident, and in other cases being in our own heads may get the best of us—because of having experienced it so much.

A black woman shopping at a Sephora claims that she felt racially profiled by one of their white, female employees.  She claims that the Sephora employee cut her off when she was speaking numerous times, and allegedly pointed the shopper out to a guard.

The Sephora employee, however, claims that she did no such thing and went on to apologize to the customer for making her feel that way.  All that was fine and dandy until sis said, “You guys may not know this, but I’m actually from the hood,” also adding that she had a lot of black friends. Whet? Watch the full video below.


TSR Staff: Thembi (@ThembiTV_)
