Categories: Celebs

6 Life Lessons Twenty-Something Year Olds Can Learn From ‘Finding Dory’!

Okay so #roommates if y’all haven’t seen Finding Dory yet, finish reading this post and go do yourself a favor and watch it! And was it just me or was waiting for Dory just as stressful as it is waiting for Frank Ocean to give us another album?

Anyways, as I’m watching Dory as a twenty-something millennial I realized there’s a boatload of things to take away with me other than the satisfaction of my childhood being a little more complete. Often times we forget that we are human — in the most broadest form of that term.

So what we’re going to do right now is be vulnerable with each other via Finding Dory. Let’s go!

1. Be you — unapologetically. Often times we want to imitate what we see; subconsciously of course. We put a cap on who we are sometimes depending on our settings and surroundings. From one #Roommate to another, we have to do better. The beauty in being you is that no one else can do that. That’s like a super power! So remember to just be you as much as it’s humanly possible.

2. You won’t have EVERYTHING figured out…and that’s okay. Sometimes we want everything to be super planned out and to flow according to our own convenience, which often gips us of an opportunity of experience. I urge you to allow yourself to go with the flow every once in a while. Ask yourself: are you alive or are you living?

3. Go confidentially in EVERYTHING that you do! Even if you have a doubt or five, be confident even in those doubts. You know yourself and your strengths better than anyone else, reinforce what you already know with yourself and then handle that! Twenty-somethings are the poster children for trial and error. We are just spending years trying to figure out life. Adulting may sometimes leave us feeling very discouraged but find the strength to pick yourself up and show life who holds the lemonade recipe.

4. Know yourself. There’s nothing more important than knowing you –nothing. When you reach a point in life when you know yourself inside and out –like how we know other things, your world will start to change. You will approach situations with a different attitude and energy. Remember to believe in you because sometimes that’s all who will and quintessentially all you need at bare minimum. At twenty-something, there are so many voices telling you who to be and so many more telling who they want you to be. If you don’t know yourself to the right extent, you’ll allow yourself to also believe everyone but you.

5. Know when to not give up. Life has a way of treating us like Monday and every once in a while we all need reminders to keep going. Even when all odds are against you. Rest of you must, but don’t quit. Like our good friend Dory loves to quote, “there’s always a way.” No matter what happens, keep pushing through until you get to where your set goal. A wise fish once said, “Just keep swimming.”

6. Find the lesson im everything! As twenty-somethings, we believe that we know everything. Let’s nip that in the bud, we don’t. It’s perfectly okay to evaluate a situation and allow it to assist you on your journey.

We hope some of these tips can be of service to you all, twenty-something or not. If you’ve seen Finding Dory and took a different lesson you’d like to share, we’d LOVE to know! So let’s chat!

TSR STAFF: Chantel P.! @_popchanny on IG!

Jade Whiteside