Categories: Celebs

Angie Stone Just Told The World She Passed Up The Chance To be With Idris Elba!!


Sooo Angie Stone spilled the beans and said Idris Elba tried to get at her and she turned him down…say whet!?? Yes you read that right Miss Angie Stone passed up the oppurtunity to date the luscious glass of chocolate milk, Idris Elba!

“When Idris and I were working on that video [I Want To Thank You] Idris was actually crushing on me. The sad part about it is I wasn’t checking for him like that… for a very long time he made it very public that he was in love with Angie Stone and I had already been with D’Angelo… We did become very close, but not in that way,” Angie told MadameNoire.

She goes on to say that she definitely wishes she could take those words back but unfortunately word traveled fast so she had to just let it burn,“Later I found out how he was going on with his homeboys about how I didn’t want to date him. But I had already gone out there on a limb about how I would never date Idris because he’s like my brother. So I had to stick to my guns. Do I regret it? Absolutely. But the one thing about it is, I have the luxury of knowing he was digging me.

Dayumm, that one must really sting! Don’t know about y’all but I’m jumping on the first thang Idris if he ever came my way! Roommates is there anybody out there you wish you never passed up?

Watch young Idris in action in Angie’s music video below:

TSR Intern: Kyle Simpson: @Kyle.Simpson94