
Aoki Lee Simmons Strikes Again And Checks Online Troll Who Tries To Come For Her Big Sister Ming Lee Simmons

Roommates, by now you are well aware that Aoki Lee Simmons plays absolutely no games when it comes to checking online trolls, especially those that try to come for her big sister Ming Lee Simmons. One recent troll learned the hard way about coming for Ming Lee—and Aoki swiftly stepped in and destroyed them with just a few sentences.

Posting on Instagram, Ming Lee Simmons uploaded a photo of herself to Instagram detailing just how this quarantine life is throwing her all off schedule, as most of us can definitely agree with. However, things to a turn when someone left a rude comment underneath the photo.

Ming wrote the following caption:

“I don’t know what day it is or what month it is or even what time it is. I woke up this morning at 3pm. This quarantine is really messing me up and know it’s not just me. I hope everyone is doing their best to staying positive and using this time to try new things to keep busy and sane ( me and @tobfrank have been making friendship bracelets ????) If we all use this time to reflect and relax and give mother ???? some time to reset everything will turn out okay. It’s really important that we all stay inside and stay safe at this time to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and everyone else. Sending the world so much love right now???????? And before anyone aggresses me this photo was taken a while ago”

To which someone commented, “Quarantining in the back of a car? Rough.”

This prompted Aoki to go for the jugular and respond with this:

“I really pray for your parents once they find out their lil accident never learned how to read

Whew chile, ya’ll are gonna learn one day to stop playing with the Simmons sisters!


Roommates, what are your thoughts on this?

Danielle Jennings