12 qualities of the wealth of the human soul

12 qualities of the wealth of the human soul

Many people know that a person's inner wealth is the most valuable thing in life. Each of us has an endless potential by nature. However, we implement it at best by a couple of percent. What should we do so that the inner wealth of a person is fully revealed and so that we can fully use the treasures hidden in us?The answer here suggests itself - you need to find your destiny and develop all your abilities. As psychologists say, happiness is the development of all your abilities, whatever they may be. What is the purpose? This is a man's mission on Earth, something with which he can decorate his own life and serve others. However, the level of searching and finding one's destiny is the prerogative of a minority. Most of them do not even ask such questions, but simply live an ordinary routine life. We can say that the purpose is what lifts us above the ordinary level of maintaining the existence of the human body. After all, most people are biosocial animals or even robots who are concerned only with the survival of the physical body, procreation and strengthening of social ties.If you are wondering what your purpose is, but you cannot find the answer to this question, just make a firm decision that you will find out the answer, pump yourself with a powerful desire. Sooner or later your intention will come true, and you will find where to direct your efforts. When we constantly ask ourselves a question, we begin to look at the surrounding reality through the filter of this question. And gradually the necessary information begins to come to us, and we begin to notice it and "catch" it in the streams of a wide variety of information.There is an even easier way to get an answer to your question. Take a piece of paper and quickly write on it what your purpose is. There is no need to think about the answer, write the first thing that comes to mind. Most likely, the answer will not be devoid of truth.The method of defining goals is also effective. Write down all your main goals, and then answer yourself the questions why you want to achieve them and why you need it. The answer to these questions will be very close to your life purpose.Imagine yourself a fabulously rich man. If you didn't have to work anymore, if you traveled around the world 10 times, what would you do? Most likely, this is your life's work and your destiny.Try to meditate. Turn on pleasant meditative music, relax your body completely and ask your subconscious mind why you came to this Earth. It's good to keep a notebook nearby. When you come out of the state of meditation, write down all the answers that came to you during relaxation and immersion in yourself. The same experiment can be done at night. Before going to bed, download into your subconscious a program for finding your purpose and your life mission. Put a notebook next to the bed. When you wake up, immediately write down everything that comes to your mind about the questions asked before going to bed. In order for the method to work, it is important to believe in it one hundred percent.If nothing helps to find your mission, you should engage in self-development. As mentioned above, purpose and mission are categories only for sufficiently advanced people.The fact is that many people live by purely social standards and categories. For example, they go to work, where they pay more, then they switch to another one, too, for purely material reasons, they make a career only so that their neighbor Aunt Masha respects them. Such people do not respect their desires, inclinations, talents and do not realize themselves as a person. Consequently, happiness and inner harmony will never come into their lives.In fact, the most reasonable option is to find a job that will provide the necessary living wage, and search for your favorite business, and then spend all your free time developing in this business. After a certain period of time, when your level increases, you will be able to earn on your hobby. Of course, when a hobby turns into a job, then you will also have to put some effort and adhere to self-discipline, but all this will be a joy.In order to find something to your liking, remember what you loved to do in childhood and adolescence. Maybe you didn't go to art school, but dreamed of becoming an artist. Your childhood and teenage dreams are the key to finding your life's work.For those who are chasing social patterns of wealth and high position in society at any cost, it is useful to imagine a potato that suddenly decided to become a carrot, because it is beautiful, orange and rich in vitamin A. But this desire is useless, because potatoes will never become carrots. It is most expedient not to force yourself, but to be realized in what is given to you by nature.A person usually betrays his desires because of the desire for money and position in society, because of disbelief in himself and his strength and because of the desires of other people who manipulate and use him for their own purposes. In fact, if a person is internally unhappy and not satisfied, then others around him will be unhappy. And if the relationship is unhealthy, then they should be torn up. Get your digital art to the next level with Clip Studio Paint !
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