What is an Extradition Agreement?

What is an Extradition Agreement?

Extradition is a cooperative law enforcement process that allows the police of two countries to capture people who have committed crimes in one but fled to the other. Typically, people who cross a national border without being apprehended are called “fugitives.”

It is a legal agreement between two countries.

Extradition is a legal agreement between two countries that provides for the return of a person charged with a crime. 

These include bilateral list treaties, multilateral conventions that supplement the list treaty and other international treaties.

Most modern extradition treaties evaluate the crime against a country's laws and whether it meets the dual criminality principle (i.e., the crime must be a law enforcement offense in both countries). Older list extradition treaties typically do not apply to contemporary crimes such as narcotic drug trafficking, aircraft hijacking, parental child abduction, money laundering and terrorism.

A formal extradition request must be submitted to the requested country by a treaty deadline. This is usually 40 to 60 days after provisional arrest, depending on the treaty.

It is a contract.

A contract is a legal agreement between two or more parties that specifies some legally enforceable rights and obligations, generally involving the transfer of goods, services or money. It is often a legally binding document and, in the context of international law, it is known as a treaty.

A valid contract must have a few key elements, including an offer and acceptance of the offer, an intended exchange of value and, most importantly, a meeting of the minds as to the primary terms of the agreement.

The best way to do that is through a thoughtful and collaborative process that explains each party's roles, obligations and expectations in an engaging way. The resulting document can help to avoid costly and long drawn out legal proceedings. A well-crafted contract also identifies the right jurisdiction to sue in should a breach occur, as well as providing a clear path to recovery and peace of mind for all involved.You can get a consultation on extradition by following this link https://interpollawfirm.com/extradition-lawyer/.


It is a legal procedure.

An extradition agreement is a legal procedure that outlines how a person located in one country can be surrendered to another for trial or punishment. It is a complex and sensitive legal issue, often requiring years to resolve.

The process starts in the requesting country with a court proceeding, called a “judicial hearing.” A judge will decide whether or not a subject is extraditable. This can be a lengthy and drawn-out process that may be subject to multiple levels of review and appeal.

If the judicial authority rules that the subject is extraditable, the case then moves to an executive phase, in which an executive authority of the requested country (usually a Prime Minister or Minister of Justice and Foreign Affairs) will determine whether or not to surrender the wanted person in extradition. Once this is done, authorities in the requesting country will coordinate with those in the desired country to transfer the wanted person to that country’s custody.

It is a process.

A process is a set of interrelated steps that lead to an end result. It may occur one time or be recurrent or periodic.

Wikipedia defines a process as “a set of related activities that transform inputs into outputs.” The best processes are not only elegant but also efficient and effective. This is especially true in high-stakes extradition cases where there are multiple stakeholders and an array of competing priorities.

The best processes are well-documented and standardized, making them easy to follow and measure for subsequent benchmarking and improvement.

In the grand scheme of things, a process can take months to years to implement, depending on the jurisdiction and other factors. However, a sound legal strategy from the start can reduce the risk of lengthy delays and unnecessary costs. The best extradition lawyers are able to keep their clients’ best interests top of mind throughout the process, no matter how long it takes. The most successful practitioners can even be counted on to be the ones that others call upon for advice and assistance.

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