
Asian Doll Gets Dragged After Tweeting Then Deleting Her Support For Trump, Later Apologizes

Asian Doll made an attempt to get political on Twitter Monday, and well, let’s just say it did not go well.

The Dallas rapper signed to Gucci Mane has been just a lil’ more poppin’ than usual given her recent relationship drama with King Von (who allegedly had a lil’ something something going on with NBA YoungBoy’s baby mama, Jania).

Asian went ahead and took a stab at politics on Twitter Monday morning by tweeting her support for Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential election. She quickly deleted the tweet but enough folks grabbed the screenshot and chile, it spread from there.

“I rather trump be the president then that other dude fasho,” the tweet read.

As soon as Asian Doll caught wind of people dragging her for her tweet, she quickly got on the defense, tweeting to explain herself and even cussed people out on live!

She told fans to “suck my d**k,” while explaining she was not on social media to please people. 

She also explained it didn’t matter who people voted for because both candidates are white.

“We have two white presidents at the end of the day and one finna win,” Asian Doll said. “And guess what? It’s gonna be a white one.”

“F**k the both at the end of the day but Shid we got 2 choices I was just saying cause it’s time to vote…DAM,” she also tweeted.

After her rant, she later apologized to fans she may have offended with her words.

“If you rock with me & I offended you I’m sorry I only care if I hurt people who genuine love me fr. I was having a high conversation & tweeted about it VOTE FOR WHO YOU WANT EVERY VOTE COUNTS.”

Whew! Well, the last part of her tweet is something we can all agree on. We’ll keep you posted.

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Christina Calloway