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Ava DuVernay Stands In Solidarity With Journalists Who Are Boycotting Disney Press Screenings In Response To The Company’s LA Times Blackout


Back in September, #Disney banned #LATimes journalists from being able to attend advanced screenings citing “biased and inaccurate” coverage after Times journalist #DanielMiller wrote a piece questioning some shady business dealings between the company and the City of Anaheim. That move quickly began to backfire as other journalists from the #WashingtonPost, #TheAVClub and entertainment site #Flavorwire are standing in solidarity with the LA Times.

They have vowed to boycott any press screenings of any Disney films—as well as those of its subsidiaries #Lucasfilm and #Marvel—until the company rescinds its ban on the LA Times. This means that the success of highly anticipated films such as Star Wars, Episode VIII–The Last Jedi, or Marvel’s #BlackPanther could be affected as press plays a huge part in the success of many film projects.

To take things further, members of the #LosAngelesFilmCriticsAssociation, the #NewYorkFilmCriticsCircle, the #BostonSocietyOfFilmCritics and the #NationalSocietyOfFilmCritics all voted to remove Disney from awards consideration until the ban is lifted. These industry heavyweights are accusing Disney of bullying and press censorship.

Ava DuVernay, who is currently working on A Wrinkle In Time with Disney, showed her support of journalists in the boycott.


We encourage you guys to check out Daniel Miller’s letter. It’s very deep. Here are a few excerpts:


“Over the last two decades or so, as Disney’s annual profit has soared, the company has secured subsidies, incentives, rebates and protections from future taxes in Anaheim that, in aggregate, would be worth more than $1 billion, according to public policy experts who have reviewed deals between the company and the city.”

“In a letter to The Times, Disney challenged that view. “Disneyland Resort has played a pivotal role in Anaheim as a job creator and economic engine,” the company said, noting that it is committed to investing more than $2 billion there in the next decade.”

“About 30,600 people work at Disneyland Resort, accounting for nearly 19% of Anaheim’s jobs, based on a recent city report. The Anaheim Resort District, which includes two Disney theme parks, the convention center and dozens of hotels, is expected to account for $171.9 million in tax revenue during the fiscal year that ends next June — or 43% of general fund revenue.”



TSR STAFF: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on IG, @tallyohhh on Twitter