B. Simone Responds To Allegations About Using Plagiarized Content In Her Book

B. Simone Responds To Allegations About Using Plagiarized Content In Her Book

B. Simone has been in the hot seat for the past few weeks, as folks have not been here for some of her commentary in regards to the current social and political climate. Unfortunately, she was called out over the weekend about using plagiarized content in her new book, and she is finally speaking out about it.

B. Simone recently celebrated making her first million dollars, and becoming the successful owner of her beauty brand, and author of her book ‘Baby Girl Manifest The Life You Want’. As people are putting out their coins to get their hands on her book, however, content creators have been speaking out, alleging that B. Simone used their content without permission or credit.

To no surprise, cancel culture spread rapidly, and B. Simone was next on their hit list! In an Instagram post, B. Simone says that while she takes responsibility for putting the book out, her team is behind what content was put onto the pages.

“I’ve never written a book, I’ve never been a writer. So as an influencer, as creative, as an entrepreneur, me and my team outsourced,” she says. “We hired a team that we trusted, that we thought could bring my vision to life, and they did a lot of things without my knowledge and I am here to fix it.”

She goes on to say that she has reached out to every content creator involved in the controversy to fix the situation, and has also stopped the sale of her book until things are rectified.

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