
Backpage Executive Pleads Guilty In Prostitution Case

#Roommates, the sales and marketing director of Backpage just pleaded guilty to conspiring to facilitate prostitution!

According to @NYPost, #DanHyer is the second employee to get caught up y’all! Looks like up to six of the sites’ operators affiliated with Backpage.com are being accused of money laundering they received from ad sales and used for illegal purposes.

Right now, Dan is facing a $250K fine and up to five years in prison if convicted! But here’s the gag, Dan has reportedly taken a plea deal that would dismiss 50 charges of facilitating prostitution and 17 charges of money laundering. No word on if the plea is in exchange for Dan to testify against his own people but we’ll definitely keep you up to date on this roomies!

Source: https://nypost.com/2018/08/18/backpage-com-exec-pleads-guilty-in-prostitution-case/

Tanya Payne