
Barack Obama Says The U.S. Government’s Response To COVID-19 Has Been “An Absolute Chaotic Disaster”

Roommates, it has been months since the United States has been under social distancing guidelines, and Donald Trump has taken many shots at our Forever President! Barack Obama, however, has not commented on how the government is handling the virus…until now.

In audio obtained by Yahoo News, President Obama can reportedly be heard speaking with members of the Obama Alumni Association, when he started to comment on how the current administration is handling the pandemic.

“What we’re fighting against is these long-term trends in which being selfish, being tribal, being divided, and seeing others as an enemy–that. has become a stronger impulse in American life. It would’ve been bad even with the best of governments, it has been an absolute chaotic disaster.”

While Barack does not mention Trump’s name, he implies that Donnie is behind the whole thing, as he mentions people in government having a selfish mindset. Barack says there is a mindset of “What’s in it for me? and to heck with everybody else?” operating in our government.

As we previously reported, Donnie’s methods of dealing with the spread of the coronavirus have been consistent, but often outrageous. Especially when he suggested that people combat the virus by injecting themselves with disinfectant.
