Categories: Celebs

Based On Your Zodiac Sign, You’re Most Likely To Go To Jail For….


Have you ever thought about committing a crime, but knew you weren’t thug enough to pull it off? Well, today, we decided to play around with the idea of what crime your zodiac sign would most likely commit. Did we mail it, #Roommates?


Leo – Drug Possession

I personally imagine that Ghost from #Power is a Leo. Their sign is a lion, so if the king of the juggle isn’t going to do it big, then why do it at all? Of course, we see how that can quickly go South…


Virgo – Felony Hacking

Virgos are typically very organized, neat control freaks which makes them the perfect hackers. Being able to have the world at their fingertips is probably a major turn on for them!


Libra – Accomplice to a Bank Robbery

Libra just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. This sign isn’t typically violent or “bad.”


Scorpio – First Degree Murder

Scorpio is one of the more emotional zodiacs, but they have a more calculated way of expressing this. For instance, if their significant other was messing around on them, they’d figure out a way to end that once. and. for. all.


Sagittarius – Bribery

Sag’s think that they can get away with just about anything due to their charm. Because of this, they can develop really good bribery skills, but some people just don’t like to be toyed with.


Capricorn – Insider Trading

Capricorn is always in the know, so why not make a quick buck off of that?


Aquarius – Perjury

Aquarius rides or dies for their homies so if you’ve committed a crime, they’ll take it to their grave. They’ll lie on the stand if they believe it’s good enough to get their friends off.


Pisces – Second Degree Murder

Pisces are in their own heads a lot of the time which can make it easier for them to commit such a crime. They may do it a few times before getting caught and would probably see it as art or a healthy form of expression.


Aries – Aggravated Assault

Being the hot head that they are, Aries would go to jail for aggravated assault. They have no problem popping a bihh in the mouth if needed!


Taurus – Robbery

Taurus likes nice things and will do just about anything to get them including stealing them.


Gemini – Check Fraud

This sign takes the phrase “chase a check” to the head!


Cancer – Voluntary Manslaughter

In the heat of the moment, Cancer will be ready to risk it all and might cut a bihh! Don’t let the sweetness fool you–they have tempers too.




TSR STAFF: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on IG, @tallyohhh on Twitter