TSR Entertainment

Black Love: Here’s How 10 Married/Engaged Black Men Knew Their Woman Was ‘The One’

TSR Black Love: Is anyone looking for love in the new year or perhaps this decade? If that is one of the things you plan to manifest this year but are having a hard time finding inspiration, look no further.

I know that 2019 seemed like kind of a dud for relationships but there is real love out there and if you’re a non-believer, then why not hear about it from real men that love in fact does exist.

We asked 10 men why they chose their woman to be their wife. Their raw answers will show you it’s hardly ever anything superficial.

Grab some tissues, get inspired and SWIPE to see that Black Love is still very much alive in 2020!


Ahmad & Taisha Sweeney

“I knew my wife was the one the moment I saw her. I know it sounds cliche but it’s the truth. When I first saw her I went up and Introduced  myself and after about a 5 minute conversation, I told her she would be my wife. We dated for about a year before we got married. Within that year of dating I saw someone that had the characteristics I wanted in a spouse. Loving, smart, Christian, family oriented, and someone who matched my drive and wanted to accomplish great things. 7 years and 3 kids later I couldn’t be more happier of where we are and things we have  in store for the future.”

Marcel & Crystal Scruggs

“I’ve never courted any woman the way I perused my wife. After months of persistency, she finally allowed me to take her on a date and our 4 hour conversation blew my mind! She inquired “How big was my faith” ..something I had never been asked by anyone ever and it quickly intrigued me. Everything from her mental, physical, professional and spiritual intellect was of Proverbs 31. My true revelation was her active relationship with God and in that moment I knew she was my wife. (Proverbs 31:30-32)”

Dennis & Alana Dunkley

“She spent months tracking down my mom’s lost grave site and when we went to visit she wrote a letter to my mom explaining her love for me.”

Pierre & Cedya

“One day it seemed my prayers were answered, It was the day she ran into me at a party. What felt so harsh and painful at first, became everything I hoped it would be. Our lives quickly became entangled, being inseparable was an easy task.

She brought colour to my life…

She helped me to select the sweet from the bitter and savour the moment. She showed me how to take things lightly, helped me soar above my worries. She helped me spread my wings. She knew my thoughts before I spoke, questions answered before being asked. That’s when I knew she was my wife!! Now here we are, blessed together still, our story began. If the next chapter of our lives is as good as this, I will love her forever, on that I know she can count on. For she is My Antillaise Queen, She is my inspiration, the love of my Life.”

Jonathan & Tahirah Fuller

“I knew she was my wife a short while after we first started dating. We were both so open, honest about what we both wanted in a relationship, and driven to put real effort in feeding each other’s spirits. I made sure I did everything I could to treat her like a queen, no matter what our status was, because I knew the end goal was marriage.” 

Teslim & Chibuzo

“I don’t really think there was a specific point in time I realized I wanted to marry my wife. It was just a beautiful progression built on a solid foundation of friendship. We became friends in high school almost 15 years ago, and kept in touch after we graduated. 6 years ago, we started dating and got married last year

So how did I know she was the one? Aside from the more obvious aspects of who she is – a kind, beautiful, intelligent, sexy, lovely and all round amazing woman; it was her laughter that drew me to her and is actually the basis for our friendship. Sounds basic, but it’s true. Our friendship was built on shared joy; she laughed at most of my jokes, we teased each other all the time and we thoroughly enjoyed each other’s company. As the years went by, we became each other’s solace, and we realized we could cope and get through life stronger because no matter what was going on, we both knew that a smile, a loving voice and a lot of laughter was just a Skype call or plane ticket away (we dated long distance for 5 years till we got married). She’s always cheerful and I knew I needed her beautiful smile and her laughter in my life. I just knew it from the first day I made her chuckle at one of my silly jokes.”

Demetrius & Daziah

“I knew she was the one when I realized there wasn’t anyone who i’d rather share the rest of my life with. We have had our ups and down for sure, but she’s my best friend. She challenges, she motivates, and has helped me become a better man and that’s important.”

Cory & Leah Dixon

I was captivated the first time I saw Leah. She radiated beauty from the inside out. God shined a spotlight on her that I couldn’t ignore. I ultimately asked for her number. I called the next day and we spoke for hours but it felt like minutes. There was an indescribable sense of honesty, vulnerability, transparency and peace between us. I knew then that it was the beginning of something real. I knew that she would be my wife.

Akeem & Melissa

“I knew Melissa was the one  because my spirit was always instantly at peace when I was around her. It’s a feeling that’s hard to describe but I felt it with every embrace, kiss, and still feel it to this day when I look into her eyes.”

Anjola & Temwa

“Well the simple answer to the question is It was never a case of love at first sight. It all started as a friendship when we met at uni which created a very helpful foundation for an honest relationship where we were both able to be ourselves and very honest with our expectations and beliefs without any fear.

I lost my mum about 4 years ago. I have four brothers so my relationship with my mum was very significant and this loss messed with my head every way. I was questioning everything and wanted to isolate myself however she literally dropped everything she was doing and drove all the way from the university to my home town to be with my family and I. She came without any thought of all her personal responsibilities including the fact that it was final year and there was a dissertation due, she didn’t even have any spare clothes yet she stayed. We prayed everyday and her presence just encouraged me throughout that period and honestly words can’t explain how much her actions helped me but I promised myself from then on that I would do whatever it takes to hold on to her. I think I succeeded.”



Christina Calloway