British Airways Flight Attendant Let Go After Rant About Nigerian Passengers

A British Airways flight attendant found herself in hot water after making a Snapchat video talking about Nigerian passengers.

In the one-minute clip, 23-year-old Joanne Wickenden is wearing her BA uniform and shares that she’s not looking forward to working a flight to Nigeria. “All the Nigerians are gonna be there like ‘Gimme Coca Cola, gimme me beef, why you have no beef left? I want beef,” she said. “All the Nigerians are gonna be there asking for f*****g upgrades because they haven’t got enough leg room because their B**s are in their way,” she added.

The gag is, her coworkers actually reported the video to the British Airways. According to reports, she no longer works for the airline, and in a statement said “​We expect the utmost professionalism from our staff when they are representing British Airways.”

In response, Joanne says she is not a racist and it was all a big joke. “I have been framed by another BA employee. They were encouraging me, egging me on to say things. They were recording me and sent it around to our friends,” she said.

#Roommates, check out the videos and tell us what y’all think.

TSR STAFF: Myeisha E. @myeisha.essex on IG