
Brooklyn Landlord Cancels His Tenants’ April Rent

In a world where things are at a standstill, 6 million people in the U.S. now filing for unemployment, it’s nice to see a landlord take it easy on the rent.

A Brooklyn landlord, Mario Salerno, who has 18 apartment buildings, is allowing his tenants to not pay April’s rent.

“STAY SAFE, HELP YOUR NEIGHBORS & WASH YOUR HANDS!!!” Salerno wrote on the signs he posted at all of his 18 residential buildings in the borough.

“My concern is everyone’s health,” Salerno, 59, said in an interview first reported by the local news site “I told them just to look out for your neighbor and make sure that everyone has food on their table.”

He also stated that last month many of his tenants messaged him, saying they couldn’t afford to pay April’s rent. A few even packed up and moved because they couldn’t afford to live on their own anymore because of the unexpected change of events..

This is truly an act of kindness. At a time like this, his generosity goes a long way.The Coronavirus has caused a major lifestyle change. We’re all social distancing, making virtual arrangements, and adjusting as we can.


