Categories: Celebs

Could There Be Trouble In Paradise For Sage The Gemini and Jordin Sparks? Well Sage’s Ex Fiancée Got Some Tea And It Ain’t Pretty!!

Looks like after a public heart break with Jason Derulo, Jordin Sparks might be in for another one with new boyfriend, Sage The Gemini! TSR got some tea straight from Sage’s aka Dominic Wynn Woods, ex fiancée and honey was she spilling tea!!

So supposedly, Sage’s ex fiancé, Curium Hurley, was with the rapper for a minute and he decided to propose to her this past January. Unforgivably for Hurley, she caught Sage cheating with singer, Jordin Sparks, and called it quits! Well now she saying the rapper keeps trying to get back with her and they were just together this past Sunday ! 

Not only that but she even went as far as to DM Jordin on Instagram telling her what their man has been up to!



She even provided us with more screenshots of Sage begging to get back with her while he is still posting IG pics with him and Jordin!!!





And of course she provided us with the evidence of them being together on Sunday !


We were rooting for you Sage! We were all rooting for you !!!! Please say it ain’t so because that would be straight up trifling !!! Jordin is such a great catch! What is wrong with men nowadays! She might need to become friends with Karlie Redd and do some digging because something’s just ain’t adding up !! Let’s chat below!