TSR Entertainment

Diddy Encourages Everyone To Show Support To Healthcare Workers

As many people around the world continue to battle the pandemic that we all know as COVID-19 or the coronavirus. There are healthcare workers around the world that are on the frontlines caring for patients and working diligently to help find a cure.

Late Saturday, Diddy took to social media and uploaded a video of himself up speaking about the pandemic, and the changes it has brought, all while encouraging everyone to show support to our healthcare workers.

He said in his caption, “We can’t just sit back and leave our healthcare workers abandoned and unprotected. Over the next few days, I’ll be locked in and focused on finding ways to directly support our healthcare workers but I don’t have all the answers. If you want to help or have any great ideas, please reach out to me now! God bless us all.”

In the video, he passionately says, “Let’s get people involved. Let’s figure out a way to get people involved because people want to do something. There’s no way you could have power and not want to do something with it. I don’t know what superhero story they were watching, but the true superheroes they did it for the good though.”

Diddy continued, “Everybody wants to be a superhero, and everybody got a superhero in them, it’s time for us to step this superhero sh*t up, cause we could think anything, we can manifest anything. Think is the thought process, and if we all together, that sh*t can’t stop us, sh*t can’t kill us off.”


Check out the full video below:


Roommates, what are your thoughts on Diddy’s message on supporting our healthcare workers?


TSR STAFF: Jade Ashley @Jade_Ashley94

Jade Whiteside