
Dunkin’ Donuts Officially Drops ‘Donuts’ From Its Name

Dunkin’ Donuts is the latest franchise to make a change by dropping the word “donuts” from its name and simply just becoming Dunkin’.

According to USA Today, the food chain announced their name change on Tuesday and revealed that the new branding will start making appearances at locations and on merchandise starting in January 2019. Nonetheless, this does not mean they will be dropping their signature products from the menu.

Tony Weisman, the U.S. chief marketing officer at Dunkin’, said in a statement, “While donuts may no longer appear in our logo, we remain committed to serving our signature donuts and will continue to offer new and seasonal varieties to delight donut lovers everywhere.”

He continued, “By simplifying and modernizing our name, while still paying homage to our heritage, we have an opportunity to create an incredible new energy for Dunkin’, both in and outside our stores.”

The company first tested the name change last year by opening a location in Pasadena, CA.

According to the site, the franchise sells around 2.9 billion donuts, along with their donut holes, which is famously known as Munchkins’.

Throughout the years they have added other products to their menu, including a variety of different coffee and iced teas.


Roommates, are you feeling the new name change?



Jade Whiteside