Categories: Celebs

Flooded Chemical Plant Near Houston Explodes Twice Overnight

Last night we reported to you guys that Richard Rowe, the chief executive of North American Operatives for the Arkema Group, warned of a possible explosion at their Crosby, TX location.

The chemical plant, manufactures organic peroxide that is used in products such as “kitchen countertops, industrial paints, polystyrene cups and plates and PVC piping,” according to NBC. However, these materials must be kept cool and since flood waters knocked out the electricity Rowe warned that a fire was imminent within the next few days. Unfortunately it happened just a few hours later.

Two explosions occurred at the plant late last night and sent a plume of smoke into the air. Thankfully, the company says that the chemicals being released aren’t harmful to humans, especially since most of everyone evacuated due to the storm. However, the smoke from the fire, which they’ve likened to a large bonfire, can be dangerous.

Arkema Group released a statement explaining that another explosion is likely and that they plan to monitor the fire as it burns itself out.”We want local residents to be aware that product is stored in multiple locations on the site, and a threat of additional explosion remains,” the statement reads. “We have been working closely with public officials to manage the implications of this situation.”

They added: “As agreed with public officials, the best course of action is to let the fire burn itself out.”


TSR STAFF: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on IG, @tallyohhh on Twitter