Florida Judge Rules Updated 'Stand Your Ground' Law Unconstitutional

Florida Judge Rules Updated ‘Stand Your Ground’ Law Unconstitutional

Five years after the death of Trayvon Martin, a Miami judge has ruled that Florida’s updated “Stand Your Ground” self-defense law is unconstitutional. This controversial law permitted the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting murder of Martin back in 2012.

According to the Associated Press, Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Milton Hirsch ruled on Monday that lawmakers overstepped their authority in modifying the law to force prosecutors to disprove self-defense claims. This means that victims who claim self defense, similar to Martin’s case, are guilty until proven innocent.

For those not familiar with Stand Your Ground, the Florida law allows armed individuals who believe they’re in danger to use deadly force to repel an attack.

“The judge ruled that under Florida’s constitution, that change should have been crafted by the Florida Supreme Court, not the Legislature,” AP reports.

“As a matter of constitutional separation of powers, that procedure cannot be legislatively modified,” Judge Hirsch wrote in a new 14-page order.

This ruling is a definitely victory for protestors of Stand Your Ground. Many believe the law makes it easier for defendants to get away with murder and other violent crimes.


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