
Floyd Mayweather Invites Conor McGregor To A Fight After Conor Announced His Retirement

Conor McGregor’s seven year career with the UFC has been good to him, and while he’s out here celebrating his retirement, Floyd Mayweather has decided to get some thangs off his chest!

In an Instagram post, Conor shows his followers a photo of a cake that his children gifted him to celebrate his retirement. Shortly after posting, Floyd stepped into Conor’s comment section asking him to step into the ring one more time.

“If I’m not mistaken, didn’t you tell Mike Tyson you could beat me if we fought a second time? Now you’re quitting! I thought you wanted to beat the best? Well, if you decide to come back, I will be waiting to punish you again.”

While Conor has not responded to Floyd’s request, many fans in the comment section say they would be looking forward to another match between the two. Some people, however, are calling Floyd out for his fathering skills.

If y’all recall, Conor and Floyd squared up back in 2017, and it is now down as the “The Money Fight” and “The Biggest Fight In Combat Sports History.” Unfortunately, Conor did take the L..

Would y’all be here for another fight between the two, Roomies?

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