
Harpo Who Dis Man?! Odell Beckham Jr.’s Lawyer Says “This Is 100% Not Odell”

Oop! It looks like #OdellBeckhamJr was not about to be the butt of anyone’s jokes as his lawyer put out a statement saying the video circling of “#OBJ getting knocked out”, is not #OBJ at all.

An #OBJ look-a-like had an altercation at Atlanta’s Gold Room club that broke into a fight. Club goers and now the internet, speculated the man with the #OBJ hairstyle was in fact #Odell, but according to his lawyer, Odell hasn’t even been in Georgia recently.

He said, “This is 100% not Odell. He was not and is not in Atlanta,” Beckham Jr.’s lawyer told the News. “He has not even been in the state of Georgia recently. The people who falsely posted and reported information will be hearing from his legal team. We intend to take legal action against anyone who perpetuates these false statements and claims.”

Welp, there you have it #Roomies, #OBJ is all good on this one!

TSRStaff: Thembi ( @ThembiTV_ )
