Categories: Celebs

“I’m In love With The Coco”- Man Attempts To Smuggle A Kilo Of CoCo In A Diaper Into JFK!

The New York Daily News reports that Marlon Andujar Penzo was sweating bullets once his Jet Blue flight from Santo Domingo landed on Christmas Eve. You know there are people trained to spot out passengers who appear to be extremely nervous, it’s a dead giveaway that they might be hiding something. When Customs and Borders Protection Officers at the Kennedy Airport pulled him aside and began frisking him they realized something unusually large around his buttocks and groin area. They discovered that, not only was Penzo wearing a diaper, but the diaper contained 1.5 kilos of a substance which tested positive for “CoCo”. He claims he was paid 6000.00 dollars to traffic the illegal drugs into the United States.

Everybody and their Mama knows that this a confirmed ticket to the Slammer. No roundtrip. Do not pass go. The offer would have to be something I couldn’t refuse, and even in that case I would still refuse because 9 times of out 10 you won’t see the money when you are sitting in the corner of a jail cell.

Six thousand could buy me a used 2005 Nissan Altima with a little over 120,000 miles and 3 out of the 4 hubcaps still on it…..with a dent in the side door.

Hardly worth the risk, but these dealers prey on people that are extremely desperate for the money.

The least they could have done was give him a better method in smuggling the items. As soon as the police patted him down they would be able to detect his diaper!

Would you have been bamboozled to do something as foolish as this?





Jay Kelllz