Categories: News

Is Chipotle Still Life!? Hackers Steal Chipotle Customers’ Credit Card Information!

Chipotle experienced a cyber-security attack last month, and now some customers are worried and upset.
Apparently, the hackers used cash registers to capture information from the card’s magnetic strip, which includes info on the cardholder’s name, expiration date, card number and 3-4 digit security number. 
Chipotle spokesman Chris Arnold has identified restaurants in Maryland, North Carolina, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, West Virginia, and California as known affected areas. On the restaurant’s blog, they list procedures for each state to check for fraudulent purchases, and contact info for the victims to report any concerns.
If you think you’re information has been compromised, click here for Chiptole’s suggestions!

Source: Vibe,
TSR STAFF: Chantel P.! @_popchanny on IG!