TSR Entertainment

John Legend And Chrissy Teigen Are Some Wild Dinner Guests–Just Ask Kris Jenner

John Legend and his wife Chrissy Teigen always seem like a good time so who wouldn’t want those two over for dinner?

Well, Kris Jenner and family learned the hard way about giving those two an invite and she even shared the experience with all her social media followers.

John and Chrissy spent Wednesday evening at Kris Jenner’s home for what I’m sure Kris thought was going to be a nice dinner.

Kris said she had Chrissy over to teach her how to cook something, considering Chrissy is an accomplished cook book author, but all Chrissy seemed to be doing was lounging and kicking it with Kim Kardashian.

Chrissy is then seen on Kris’ Instagram story stealing from the Christmas stockings that Kris had hung up for the family.

The next set of videos cut to the actual dinner where Chrissy apparently didn’t help much but enjoyed dining in.

Then the shocker came when Kris captured Chrissy and John making out on a bed in her home.  You can hear Kris whisper “worst dinner guests ever” as she films.

You can watch the video below:

Kris seemed over all very entertained by John and Chrissy’s antics, especially when Chrissy brushed her teeth at Kris’ home.

The whole night ends with John and Chrissy leaving Kris’ home with Louis Vuitton bags hanging off Chrissy’s arms, prompting Kris’ security to apprehend them. Chrissy is heard screaming “I brought these from home!”

Now before we all go wondering if John and Chrissy are really that crazy, the videos were all clearly made facetiously.

But the question still remains, Roomies, would you have John Legend and Chrissy Teigen over for dinner? Let  us know!

Christina Calloway