
Joycelyn Savage Opens Up About Her Early Relationship with R. Kelly–Says He Promised To Make Her The Next Aaliyah

Its been a long time coming, as people have speculated the relationship between R. Kelly and his girlfriends was all a hoax. Now, Joycelyn Savage has chosen a unique way in which to tell her side of the story–a side we never thought wed hear.

Despite her previous stance of being in love with R. Kelly, and wanting to stay in a relationship with him, Joycelyn has released the first part of her story, and it sounds similar to the stories of the women who spoke out in the documentary.

She says she met Kells when she was 19 years old, and he promised he would help her live out her dreams as an artist. He even told her she would be the next Aaliyah. Shortly after they met, things took a turn for the worst.

She begins to speak about how controlling nature, and how he would use the things she loved to manipulate her Into doing what he wanted. Mainly, he used her passion for music, and her dreams of being a star.

“After these couple of months, Robert started giving me commands, and making sure I call him by certain names like “Master” or “Daddy” which I didn’t really care for at the time,” she says. “If I wasn’t getting paid or pursuing my dream I would’ve went home, but all of that didn’t stop just yet.”

She also says he would have his assistant stand by the door and watch whiles used the bathroom and showered.

Previously, Joycelyn sat in numerous interviews with Kelly’s other counterpart, Azriel Clary, and maintained that her parents were lying about R. Kelly for money. She also said many times that she was happy where she was, she was not brainwashed, and she was not a victim to any of Kells’ crimes. That story changed today.

Joycelyn refers to herself in the piece as a victim for the very first time. She also says everyone around R. Kelly, including his staff, was brainwashed.

“Robert liked to manipulate whoever was in the room, even down to his assistant,” she says. “He didn’t care, everyone was in it for a check so they didn’t care either.”

Joycelyn Savage says she will continue the story on her new platform, and will spill tea about her experience, and what she knows about Kells’ relationship with Aaliyah.
