Categories: Celebs

Kevin Durant’s Best Friend Is Obsessed With Rihanna…Could They Really Be Dating? (Pics)


Hmmmm…the guy with the green hat (above) is Cliff, Kevin Durant’s best friend/brother . Earlier this week we posted a “Roommate Talk” post and they speculated that something was going on between Ri and Cliff. They were spotted together at Kevin Durant’s pool party on July 4th…and they were spotted leaving the party at the same time (right). Our roommate wondered why Ri would have chosen to attend KD’s party of all the functions she could have gone to…….

Now, Cliff has been posting all of these pictures of Riri with these affectionate captions (above)..deleting them…then posting them again. Now there are TWO scenarios that could have caused this. 1) Riri left the party with Cliff and gave him some one time only good-good that had him going cray-cray and now she won’t answer his calls…or 2) He was stalking her at the party and he’s stalking her now…..we believe scenario #2