
Kyrie Irving Opens Up About Knee Infection & Having To Sit Out For The Rest Of The Season


Yesterday we reported that #Celtics point guard #KyrieIrving will not be returning for he remainder off the 2018 NBA season due to injuries with his left knee. He had just undergone surgery last month to remove a tension wire from his knee, but doctors found an infection and are taking preventative measures to ensure that the infection doesn’t spread.

Irving opened up about everything that’s going on and expressed that this surgery has certainly put his dreams on hold. “The hardest thing to do sometimes is accept the uncontrollable things life throws at you,” he said in an Instagram post.

“You try consistently to learn, grow, and prepare everyday to equip your mind, body, and spirit with tools to deal with some of those things, but I feel when those moments arise they all give you a sense of unfulfillment, simply because it puts some of your professional journey and goals on a brief hold.”

Kyrie went on to say that he accepts what is happening and is moving on “without holding on to the all the what ifs, proving the nay-Sayers completely f***ing wrong, and accomplishing the goals I’ve set out for the team and myself.”

He adds, “This season was only a snapshot of what’s to come from me. Trust Me. “The journey back to the top of Mt. Everest continues.” #StandingRockSiouxTribe”

Nonetheless, Kyrie is still very supportive of his team and will be cheering from he sidelines.

Get well soon, Kyrie!

TSR STAFF: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on IG