
LeBron James’ ‘I Promise’ Children’s Book To Be Published This Summer

LeBron James continues to not only take the wins on the basketball court but off of the basketball court as well. This time around he’ll be able to add author to his many titles as he prepares to have his first children’s book published this summer.

According to USA Today, his first children’s book “I Promise” is scheduled to be published in August, with a second book for middle school students to be published in 2021. Both books are a part of his two-book deal with HarperCollins Publishers.

LeBron said in a press release, “Books have the ability to teach, inspire, and bring people together. That’s why these books, and the opportunity to get children and parents reading together, mean so much to me. Most importantly, we wanted to make sure these stories are ones that every single kid can see themselves in. ‘I PROMISE’ is powerful in that way, and I can’t wait for people to read it.”

LeBron expressed his excitement for the book on his Instagram account and said, “Man, the beauty of this is the process in how we got here. Never settling no matter the opportunities or chapters we add to this journey and now we get to share our promise and our story with kids and families everywhere. I can’t wait for everyone to read this, share this, feel empowered, and strive for greatness the same way my kids from Akron do every day.”

“I Promise” is named after the LeBron James Family Foundation “I Promise Program.” As many of you know, back in 2018 LeBron opened his I Promise School in his hometown of Akron, OH.

As we previously reported, Kent State University announced last week that the inaugural class from the I Promise School would have free college tuition and one-year free room and board.


Source: https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nba/lakers/2020/02/18/lebron-james-childrens-book-i-promise/4791594002/


TSR STAFF: Jade Ashley @Jade_Ashley94

Jade Whiteside