TSR Entertainment

Lil Uzi Responds To Critics Of His Diamond Implant: “It’s Only A Piercing Guys”

Lil Uzi has never been one for explaining himself on these social media apps, but one of his most recent purchases has had the internet in an uproar. Uzi confirmed that he purchased a pink diamond and had it implanted into his forehead and folks had a lot to say when he popped out with the diamond on the ‘gram.

Many fans questioned Uzi’s decision to purchase the diamond, which we hear was around $24 million, and some even pointed out that the new accessory was out of center on his head. Regardless, Uzi was fed up with the criticism and took to Twitter with a message for everyone with something to say!

“Let me educate y’all real quick because you know when you don’t know, you judge. People automatically put you in the negative and I’m not in the negative in any way shape or form,” Uzi said in a voice note. “And y’all talk about my net worth, and my net wroth is bigger than every celebrity that talked about my net worth and bigger than yours.”

He goes on to say that everybody just needs to chill because his diamond implant is just one of his many piercings.

“That’s neither here nor there. It’s only a piercing guys. I’ve had 10,000 piercings in my face,” he said.

How are y’all feeling about Uzi’s new diamond, Roomies? Let us know in the comments!

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