Categories: Celebs

It’s Lit! Martha Stewart And Snoop Dogg Team Up For A “Dinner Party” TV Show

2016 gets more and more interesting as the days go by! Imagine being invited to a dinner party hosted by Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg.. Uncle Snoop and Aunty Martha in the kitchen–oh it’s lit, in every sense of the word.

According to First We Feast, Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg are teaming up for a new unscripted series, “Martha & Snoop’s Dinner Party” where they’ll be hosting a dinner party each week with celebrity guests.

“My homegirl, Martha and I have a special bond that goes back. We’re gonna be cooking, drinking and having a good time with our exclusive friends. Can’t wait for you to see how we roll together!” Snoop said.

I’m sure we all can’t wait to see how they roll together too. Are they rolling dough, or are they rolling herbs?..I’m guessing both, but we might have to watch the show to find out.

Aunty Martha described the show to Good Morning America as being “rizzle, dizzle, fo shizzle” Lordt..

This union between the two is not random, as they have been friends for a good amount of time. Snoop was a guest on Martha’s cooking show back in 2008, and comedian Jeff Ross has said before that Snoop and Martha got high together at Justin Bieber’s comedy roast. Turn up Martha.

“At our dinner party, we will exemplify America’s fascination with food, entertaining and celebrity.” Martha said. “‘Martha & Snoop’s Dinner Party’ will redesign the traditional food competition shows in a new, different and very funny way.” She continued.

Snoop also told GMA that they came up with the idea of the show over “a glass of wine, herbs, tea, and atmosphere.”

Is this a show you’ll be tuning into Roommates?

TSR Staff: Thembi M. @ThembiTV_ on Instagram & Twitter
