
Los Angeles Residents Issued Stricter Stay-At-Home Order Due To COVID-19 Surge

On Wednesday, the residents of Los Angeles received a stricter stay-at-home order that mirrors the restrictions that Los Angeles County already has in place.

In the twelve-page press release, it states that travel by foot, bicycle, scooter, motorcycle, car or public transit is prohibited, but there are exceptions. All public and private gatherings with people from more than one household are forbidden. But outdoor faith-based services and protests are allowed.

While officials are encouraging people to stay home, retail businesses are allowed to remain open “after implementing the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health Protocols for Retail Establishments Opening for In-person Shopping.”

While non-exempt businesses have been ordered to cease operations that require in-person attendance of staff, there is a wide range list of exceptions for various businesses and workers who are said to be deemed as essential or exempt.

Mayor Garcetti stated, “My message couldn’t be simpler,” while briefing residents earlier Wednesday. “It’s time to hunker down. It’s time to cancel everything. And if it isn’t essential, don’t do it.”

This comes after Los Angeles County reported a total of 2,439 people hospitalized for the virus Wednesday, which is more than on any other day during the pandemic, according to KTLA.

Those who fail to comply with the new health order may face fines and imprisonment.

Earlier this year, Mayor Eric Garcetti gave the authority for power to be shut off at homes with large crowds.

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti announced in August that he is not here for the parties amid the global pandemic, and he will authorize the city to cut off utility service to homes or businesses where the large gatherings are  hosted.

