Categories: Beauty & Style

Makeup Artist Under Fire For Turning White Model Black

Hey #Roommates, do you consider this photo to be blackface? A LA makeup artist is catching fire after posting a side-by-side Instagram photo of a white woman he transformed into a black woman for a “special assignment.”

The artist who goes by the name of Paintdaface on IG, shared the special project with a disclaimer. “This is a transformation that I’ve been holding back from releasing for a while now, solely because of the fear I’ve had of people turning it into a racial scandal against me,” the artist wrote next to the photos. “THIS IS NOT ABOUT A RACE CHANGE. This is about one woman acknowledging, embracing, and celebrating the beauty of another woman’s culture.”

However, some Twitter users blamed the artist for using “blackface” and claimed it was culture misrepresentation. “A Non-Black person painting their face to emulate Black [people] is STILL blackface,” one Twitter user wrote.

Another person chimed in: “Really? Do you want to celebrate black culture? GET A BLACK MODEL! This is clearly blackface, your ‘disclaimer’ doesn’t change that.”

Roommates, what are your thoughts on this? Do you think he should have just used a black model instead? Did he try it?