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NAACP Issues Travel Warning For State Of Missouri

The NAACP has issued a travel advisory for Missouri warning black tourists that their civil rights might be violated.

The advisory cites data showing that traffic stop rates are higher for black drivers, and it also cites Senate Bill 43 (SB43) which takes effect in August. The bill will reportedly make it harder for minorities to file discrimination lawsuits.

“SB43 was a really important bill. What SB43 did was it brought Missouri standards in line with the Federal Government and 38 other states, so now Missouri is using the same standards that are used to analyze claims under the civil rights act of 1964,” said Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens, who helped pass the bill.

On Thursday, Missouri NAACP President Rod Chapel shared that the organization voted to adopt the advisory, which was originally put in place at a statewide level in June.

A woman visiting Missouri from Florida told Kansas City’s FOX 4 News the advisory gave her second thoughts about coming back in the future.

TSR STAFF: Avah Taylor @avah_taylor on IG & @avahtaylor on Twitter!