
Oprah Winfrey Donates $13 Million To Morehouse College

On Monday, Oprah made a visit to the prestigious Morehouse College. While visiting the school she made a hefty donation to contribute to her scholarship program as she celebrated the programs 30th anniversary.

She addressed a room full of Oprah Winfrey scholars and said, “I’m proud of you, I’m proud of everybody in attendance at this school who is seeking to know more clearly who you are, the value you hold and how you will share that value with the rest of the world.”

Oprah continued, “I was really surprised to learn that it has been 30 years since I’ve made that $12 million donation to Morehouse, and so today I would like to add $13 million to that.”

Now that her investment in the school has reached a total of $25 million, it has been declared the largest endowment in the College’s history.

Oprah continued to talk about how much her donation means and said, “I felt that the very first time I came here. The money was an offering to support that in these young men. I understand that African American men are an endangered species. They are so misunderstood. They are so marginalized.”

While on the campus, Oprah also attended a special luncheon with Morehouse College faculty and staff, the Board of Trustees, and other dignitaries. While there, she was presented with an oil painting to honor her philanthropist and the support she has provided throughout the years.

Morehouse President David A. Thomas said that over the past 300 years, the Oprah Winfrey Scholarship Fund has helped to fund the education of almost 600 scholars.


Check out the amazing moment below:


Source: https://www.morehouse.edu/newscenter/philanthropistoprahwinfreyannounces13milliongifttomorehousecollegeforscholarsfund.html


TSR STAFF: Jade Ashley @Jade_Ashley94

Jade Whiteside