
Pastor In Alabama Says He’s Going To Stand His Ground If His Truck Gets Vandalized Again With Racist Graffiti

A pastor in Gadsden, Alabama has had enough of racists vandalizing his truck with graffiti #Roommates! He says that the next time they do it, he’s going to “stand his ground.”

According to The Root, Pastor K. Solomon Williams, who’s a pastor at Piedmont’s Mount Pleasant CME Church, said he woke up on Sunday and saw that his truck had been vandalized. The crooks who did this sprayed “nigger” on the car, as well as a swastika. They also took the air out of his tires and had the nerve to put a water hose in his car and turned it on.

The pastor isn’t playing any games if they pop up again.

“If they come back on my property, I know this is a stand-your-ground state. And so, I’m not going to let someone come and hurt my family at any given time. And I’ll stand my ground if I have to,” says Williams.