
Pennsylvania School District Arms Teachers With Baseball Bats

There’s been a lot of chatter in the news about arming teachers with guns, but one school district in Pennsylvania has opted for something else! The school district has decided to give teachers small wooden baseball bats as an alternative to hiding during deadly attacks.

According to NY Daily News, all 500 teachers within Millcreek School District were given 16-inch bats, along with a training session on how to act in the event of a school shooting.

“The bats are more symbolic than anything,” said Superintendent William Hall. “However, we do want to have one consistent tool to have at somebody’s disposal in a classroom in the event they have to fight.”

It’s clear most of these school districts are trying to find other ways of protecting themselves besides using guns.

The Blue Mountain School District, also in Pennsylvania, suggested giving both students and teachers buckets of rocks as a defense against possible attackers.

Thoughts #Rooommates?