
Porsha Williams Reveals Dennis McKinley Cheated During Her Pregnancy & Asked For Her Engagement Ring Back

Roommates, breakups are not easy, especially when kids are involved and marriage is on the table. Porsha Williams, however, is ready to move forward after her estranged fiancé Dennis McKinley admitted to stepping out on her during her pregnancy. She was in for an even bigger surprise when Dennis asked for her $750k engagement ring back!

On last night’s episode of RHOA, Porsha broke down into tears after learning the father of her 7-month-old baby girl, Pilar, had cheated on her during her pregnancy.

“After I heard what I needed to hear, I got up and stormed out,” Porsha said, “At that point, I didn’t want to hear anymore. Because for me, I had just heard my fiancé say that he actually had sex with someone while I was carrying our child.”

She continues in the emotional clip saying:

“I didn’t want to hear anything else,” she said. “There was nothing else I needed to hear, nothing I needed to say. I didn’t need to know the reasons, I didn’t need to know anything else.”

Rumors of Dennis stepping out on Porsha have been floating around, but this is the first time Porsha has confirmed what really went down.

Dennis coming clean left Porsha between a rock in a hard place as a woman, a mother, and a lady in love. The two had been estranged for three weeks, and Dennis had the gaul to ask Porsha for her engagement ring back. He also moved out of the house.

Despite their falling out, the two got back together, and Porsha admits they slept together after a night of watching movies. Now, Porsha says she wants to work things out for her family. but is unsure if she trusts her man.

“To be disrespected at the. most sacred time in life is like, I just can’t forgive that,” Porsha said. “I’m looking at my daughter, telling her ‘I’m going to work it out.” But some stuff is not forgivable, and I don’t think she would want me to have to deal with certain things.”



