
Quick, Easy Workouts to Help You Get in Shape For Summer

Summer is finally here, but that doesn’t mean it’s too late to work towards a body you feel confident in. Learn 15 quick, easy workouts that you can do regularly from the comfort of your own home to help you reach your fitness goals.

1. Split Squats

Split squats should be a go-to exercise if you want to strengthen and firm up your lower body. Step forward as if you are about to do a lunge. Keep good form with your torso straight and lower your body until your back knee almost touches the ground. Unlike a lunge, you won’t move your feet. You’ll perform your reps by keeping your feet in a static position.

2. Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers are a great way to engage your core muscles. It’s also a great cardio exercise! Get in a pushup position and put your shoulders directly above your hands. Then, alternate bringing each leg up to your chest, moving as fast as you can.

3. Running (Or Walking!)

Running is not only a great cardio exercise, but it can be an amazing stress reliever too. If you aren’t an avid runner, a walk can also be effective at burning calories and is a great way to practice self care.

4. Side Planks

Side planks are also a great way to work towards stronger core muscles. One thing that sets this exercise apart from other core exercises? Side planks take all pressure off of the back, so it is a great exercise if you are prone to back pain or injury.

5. High Knees

This high-intensity cardio exercise is great for those constantly on the go and low on free time. For one minute, jog in place and lift your knees as high as you can.

6. Dips

For this exercise, all you need is a chair. To do this exercise correctly, you’ll first need to sit in the chair and place your hands on the front edge of the seat. Then, push forward until you are suspended directly in front of the seat. You’ll support yourself with your arms. Then, bend your elbows and lower your body. Once you’ve reached as low as you can go, lift yourself back up. Do this exercise in sets of ten.

7. Bicycles

Another exercise for great abs? Bicycles. For this exercise, you’ll lie on your back with your feet in the air. Bend your knees and put your hands behind your head and move your legs in a circular motion, as if you’re riding a bicycle.

8. Squat Jumps

Squat jumps are a high intensity exercise that works the glutes. To properly do this exercise, you’ll bend down as if you are about to do a plank. Once you’re squatted down, push off the floor into a jump and extend your legs straight. Then, land in a squat position.

By using a combination of these exercises, you’ll become stronger and grow more confident in yourself just in time to enjoy the rest of the summer!
