
Rev. Al Sharpton Speaks Following Derek Chauvin’s Sentencing: “This Is Not Justice, Justice Is George Floyd Being Alive”

The race to justice is not swift. It’s been one year since the untimely passing of George Floyd and while significant changes have been made in wake of his death, many don’t feel that it’s enough. Today over 1 Million Roommates tuned into our live stream to see the outcome of Derek Chauvin’s conviction. As we previously reported Derek was convicted of murdering George in April and today he was formally sentenced to a 22 1/2 year prison term. Derek was previously found guilty of second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter.


Inside of a Minnesota courtroom, Judge Cahill handed down his sentencing. While 22 ½ years is a long time, and longer sentencing than we’ve seen compared to other unarmed Blacks who were killed by police officers, people feel like it’s not enough. Throughout social media, folks have expressed their disdain for the sentencing, including civil rights legend Reverend Al Sharpton. Outside of the courthouse, Rev. Al along with George’s family and the legal team spoke to CNN following the sentencing.

Rev. Al was quick to leave remarks and said that justice wasn’t served and that Derek should’ve gotten the maximum sentence. “This verdict and this sentencing is the longest sentence we’ve seen, but it is not justice because George Floyd is in a grave tonight even though Chauvin will be in jail.” He continued, “So let us not feel that we’re here to celebrate because justice would’ve been George Floyd never had been killed. Justice would’ve been the maximum.”

Rev Al didn’t stop there. He also said, “We got more than we thought only because we have been disappointed so many times before,  22 and a half years is longer than we’ve ever got. But shorter than what we should’ve gotten in the past.”

Roommates do yall think justice was served?

China Lovelace