Categories: Celebs

Roommate Talk: Dear TSR, I Think Mehgan James From Basketball Wives Is Broke !

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Dear TSR, 

So my best friend is a MUA (Makeup Artist) at a Mac in Denver and I need to tell you some tea! I think someone on Basketball Wives LA is living a fake life! And by someone I mean Mehgan James! Tell me why she gave this girl the MAC “Pentagon” beat in other words she beat that face for the Gawwwdsss! Well when it was time to pay for all the pretty make up she used on her face, her card declined! Not once … but twice!! She couldn’t even pay for the eyelashes she put on her and them bishes only cost $16 !!!!! Don’t get me wrong she is pretty as hell but she is just as cheap and I know because she said that Mehgan tried to buy it on debit and it didn’t work, which means she ain’t got no money in her account! Ain’t she on TV? TV not paying much these days? All I know I know Bish better have my bestie’s money! That’s what happens when you too busy trying to keep up with the Joneses!


My Bestie Don’t Beat For Free!