Categories: Celebs

#RoommateTalk: Dear TSR, I’m Pissed!! Jeezy, Cancelled His Houston Performance The Day Before Because He Didn’t Like The Venue & Performed In ATL Instead!

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“Dear TSR,

I had bought tickets to go see Jeezy tomorrow night at the Arena Theater here in Houston, but I woke up this morning to find that this fool done cancelled his performance!

The arena sent out a memo on their social media saying that he cancelled because he supposedly didn’t want to perform at that particular arena. They tried everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, to keep him there including an extra $30,000 above the booking fee! TSR, they even offered to pay for a private jet to fly him back to Atlanta after the show in Houston. They say that he still said no and didn’t even give the deposit money back.

That isn’t even the kicker! Jeezy went ahead an scheduled a show in Atlanta tomorrow when his a** should be here in Houston! Ugh! He may have just lost a fan. A lot of people are pissed. I mean, does anyone think about their fans anymore?






Sheesh, Jeezy! Step into The Shade Room and tell us what’s good! You didn’t run off on the plug did you?!
