
Run Me My Money! Gilbert Arenas Wants Laura To Run Him The $110k He Won In Defamation Case–Calls In Sheriffs To Snatch It Out Of Her Bank Accounts

It’s clear no matter how much time passes, Gilbert Arenas just isn’t here for his baby mama, Laura Govan. Two years ago, Gilbert won his defamation case against Laura, and he wants sis to stop playing and run him his six-figure judgement. If y’all remember, Laura said Gilbert gave her an STD, which ended up being false.

According to Bossip, Gilbert’s lawyers filed a writ of execution against Laura, directing the L.A. County Sheriffs Department to enforce his judgement by snatching money from her bank accounts.

Laura has to pay Gilbert $110,000 for emotional distress, but it’s clear that she put this hefty bill on the back burner, which caused Gilbert’s lawyers to file a writ of execution.

Unfortunately, Sheriffs weren’t able to do anything with the writ because all the accounts they had under Laura’s name had no money in them!

It’s not yet known if Laura cleared the accounts before his team filed the writ, or when he first filed the lawsuit.

Hopefully these two can work it out for the sake of their 4 kids.