Categories: Celebs

Shonda Rhimes Will Be Inducted Into TV Academy Hall Of Fame

#Roommates, it looks like #ShondaRhimes is joining the likes of #OprahWinfrey and #DiahannCarroll by being the third black woman to be inducted into the TV Hall of Fame!

According to Vanity Fair, Shonda will be inducted come November 15th at the Academy’s Saban Media Center. Along with Rhimes, the original cast of #SNL will also be inducted.

When speaking about the latest inductees, TV Academy Chairman and CEO Hayma Washington, says: “These individuals are innovators who have shaped television and left an indelible mark on the medium and our culture. We are honored to welcome the latest group of distinguished individuals and look forward to showcasing their impacts for future generations.”

Congrats to Shonda on her latest accomplishment!


Tanya Payne