Categories: Celebs

Singer Brandy Norwood Opens Up About Her Struggle Finding Love And Asks For Help (Video)


Brandy Norwood has endured some pretty public heartbreaks over the course of her time in the spotlight. We’ve seen Brandy fake a marriage, break up with Flo Rida, and more recently we witnessed the end to her latest engagement. Brandy was on “The Daily Helpline” and opened up about her struggles in finding love. She says she’s 35 years old and ready to meet her Prince Charming and the clock is ticking. However, her biggest issue in relationships is TRUST.

We didn’t necessarily like the advice that she was given, so here is what we have to say to Ms. Brandy. Love should never have a timeline. Sometimes women get all caught up in the timeline of love because they are so conscious about their biological clock ticking. One thing you have to understand is that love has no timeline and God does not abide by any timeline either. You will find the love you are destined to receive when you are finished working on yourself. If you have not done the work that is needed to get yourself to the point where you are ready to receive love…then you will continue to meet the same kind of men and have the same kind of heartbreak. It’s a lesson that you must learn, otherwise you aren’t ready. Brandy has trust issues and trust is a major part of a relationship. The advice they gave Brandy was to expect her partner to be open and willing to share his phone/email passwords in order to gain her trust and we have to disagree. Brandy has to let go of all of the baggage from her past relationships and learn to trust by faith not by sight!

Watch The Interview Below: